Guidelines for Paper Submission

Author(s) are requested to use following format for the submission of manuscript at CALIBER 2025.

  • All papers should be typed on Microsoft Word-version.
  • Paper size should be A4, Portrait of size 8.5" x 11" with Margins: 1" (top & bottom); 1.5"(left & right).
  • All text should be typed in Times New Roman Font with size 12 and single-spaced.
  • Headings and subheadings must be in Bold font, left justified and numbered according to Level of heading as below: 1. First Level Heading 1.1 Second Level Heading 1.1.1 Third Level Heading.
  • Header & Footer of font size 8.
  • Use double space after the headings, before starting the next paragraph.
  • Page Break can be given to give a logical end to a page.
  • The main title of your paper must not exceed 100 characters. This includes letters, spaces, and punctuation.
  • Manuscript should not contain the author's full name, and affiliations along with an email of author(s), author biography or any other identification of the author/institute.
  • An abstract of length not more than 250 words should be supplied.
  • Few keywords must be given after the abstract.
  • Size of the paper to be kept within 3500 words.
  • Reference should be provided at the end of paper in APA-7th edition format with proper in-text citations.
  • Illustrations such as photographs, charts, graphs, drawings, and diagrams in high resolution and it should be labelled and mentioned in description. (e.g., Table-1, Figure-2, Diagram-3).