Paper Submission

The full-text paper must be submitted electronically, as a .DOCX or .ODT file, and uploaded on The submission should be typed in Times New Roman Font size 12 and single-spaced in A4 size. The length of the Full-text Paper should not be more than 3500 words. The research data generated while conducting research and used to derive results have to be supplied mandatorily at the time of submission. Accompanying material such as study description, data description, questionaire and other supporting documents may be uploaded under 'Upload Dataset' in a single zip file. A paper should contain an abstract, keywords, and references properly cited within the text of the article as per APA 7th Edition referencing style. The submission will be sent for blind review and therefore, the manuscript should not contain the author's full name, and affiliations along with an email of author(s), author biography or any other identification of the author/institute. The paper submitted should be an unpublished document in any media and of any format. While the copyright for the paper would belong to the author, CALIBER 2025 organisers reserve the right to host a copy of the papers in its institutional repository in open access. The authors of the accepted Papers will have to register for the Convention and present their papers during technical sessions.