CALIBER 2011: Pre Conference Tutorial
Pre Conference Tutorial on following topics:
- ETD and Shodhganga: A Reservoir of Indian Theses
- SOUL 2.0 and N-LIST Programme
The tutorial will focus on the practical aspects of installation, configuration and
operation of the DSpace for ETDs, an open source institutional repository software. The participants will be provided insights on
ETD and Shodhganga. Parallel tutorials will be organized on SOUL 2.0 and N-LIST Programme. Participants will be imparted training and
installation of SOUL 2.0 and features and functionalities of its different modules. Participants will be given insight into N-LIST
Programme and e-resources made accessible to colleges through this programme along with guidelines for joining the programme. All
tutorials are free to the participants registered for CALIBER 2011. All tutorials will be open to the entire academic community of the
Goa University, Goa.
NO Registration Charges for Tutorials. The registration for the tutorial will be on the first come first served basis.